You are a Masterpiece.
A work of outstanding artistry, skill, workmanship.
A Letter To My Younger Self
Dear 15-year-old me, you’re probably on the phone right now talking to one of your friends and hoping mum’s not listening on the other line.
Tick, Tock.. Biological Clock
“You do realise your clock is ticking, right?” I remember the first time someone reminded me that my biological clock was ticking. She said it in a hushed voice like it was some kind of secret.
Mental Health & The Pandemic
Crisis impacts each of us differently; there is no “one size fits all” approach to dealing with change as drastic and intrusive as we’ve experienced. The past weeks have seen us adjust the way we interact, socialise, get our basic needs, work and live!
“Single” - A Dirty Word?
If you’re a single Christian of any age, you’ve probably encountered the dreaded question: “When are you getting married?” Several responses probably go through your mind before settling on the polite..
Start your journey
Let’s visualise your future together.